Patna University Admission Registration, Syllabus, Answer Key

Patna University Admission In a sense, the history of Patna University is the story of modern Bihar. In 1917, half of the population in Bihar was deprived of the right to higher education. let alone a separate higher education institution for women in the state. Conservative behavior was so intense among young people that it was impossible to find dormitories in government-built dormitories in the second half of the 19th century.

A few young people willing to receive Western education at Patna College realized that if they lived in shelters with other communities, they would lose their caste. The famous historian Jadunath Sarkar said in a presidential speech at the Biharee Student Conference in Dabanga in 1916: “Bihar is fifty years behind other provinces in learning English and has to work harder than other provinces to get on At the forefront.

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Take the right path on the road to national progress, here we provide you information about Patna University Admission– Registration, Syllabus, Answer Key, Admit Cards, To get more information about the application form, exam pattern, result, etc. scroll down the page.

Patna University AdmissionRegistration

Just a hundred years ago, in 1867, the number of students enrolled in the state’s leading and leading higher education institution, Patna University, was so low that there were only 17 students and 166 students in the first year.

Third and fourth years. In March 1875, the number of college students actually reached 97, but there were only 40 Bihari, and the others belonged to communities in other provinces.

However, it must be said that because of the few teachers responsible for transferring higher education to Patna students, they have fulfilled their obligations in a very satisfactory manner. Some students excel in their bachelor’s degree programs in the 1868 examination at the University of Kolkata.

For example, Kailash Chandra Banerjee ranks sixth, while Shiva Chandra Banerjee ranks 13th in the Northeast. In 1879, Digambar Chatterjee pioneered the same test. Between 1885-1891, the number of students discriminated against in various disciplines was 28.

If there are very few students studying with excellent grades, then fewer people will go to the master’s program. In the 40 years from 1865 to 1903, only 13 students passed the master’s exam at Partner College.

When we looked at the number and qualifications of faculty members at the turn of the century at Patna University, we were surprised by the lack of students. Honor or postgraduate exams, but in fact only so few university professors have succeeded with so many facts.

For example, from 1899 to 1900, the staff of Patna College consisted of seven teachers, of which only four were teachers. In 1903, the number of teachers was reduced to nine.

Among them, director A. MacDonell teaches philosophy and mathematics. James and Jadunath Sarkar teach English and history. NG Mitra is responsible for philosophy. N. Mullick gave a lecture on physics.

Harilal Chandra and Narendra Nath Bose teach chemistry and mathematics. In addition, Pandit and Molavi teach Sanskrit and Persian, respectively. Patna College has a law department, but a teacher provides guidance in all the different areas of law.

Before Patna began, libraries and laboratories were completely out of place. The Senate-appointed Kolkata University Committee, which controlled the college for the first decade of the twentieth century, stated that the Patna College Library only holds 5,255 books and that the annual grant for book purchases is Rs. 300 /-. In this case, it is difficult for the country’s higher education to make progress.

Before Patna began, libraries and laboratories were completely out of place. The Senate-appointed Kolkata University Committee, which controlled the college for the first decade of the twentieth century.

stated that the Patna College Library only holds 5,255 books and that the annual grant for book purchases is Rs. 300 /-. In this case, it is difficult for the country’s higher education to make progress.

How is Patna University?

This is very good. The level of education and professors are at the highest level. They enter e and leave on time. Although there are some problems according to some that I do not consider a problem.

I studied the Computers Vocational Course at Bihar National College (2015–2019). There is no placement assistance or placement assistance. In fact, when I look back, I feel that it’s better not to have such useless things. Vocational training is not education at all, especially at the expense of intelligence.

I still think that the process that taught us gave us ideas, and although I remember this process well to this day. I know from my place that even getting technology is not in my opinion suitable for technical education.

People who use the money to get an education are, in my eyes, nothing beyond their scope.

Patna University was once called Cambridge Of The East and still retains some of its former glory. Bricks at Patna University were laid by the duchess and completed by the British. It still has a magnificent building, still standing, built by the British, and will remind you of its importance.

Although I still consider Patna Science College to be one of the best BC courses in India. Nothing can come close to this.

Patna University was one of the few universities in India that offered the BIOTECH course in India, and once (Google or study it. U will be surprised) was one of the best in Asia at that time. (Biotech taught a BSC course at Bihar National College.

The University of Patna is one of the largest campuses stretching for kilometers, although some are violated, I admit that the quality of students has fallen, and political will plays a greater role because of the spoiling everything, but I believe everything changes.

It is the only university in India that has all bachelor’s and master’s degrees of study. You run marine life courses for the dolphin research program and enroll students from abroad.

Amazing campus. Patna University still has no place among universities with a large campus. For readers who don’t know. It’s literally huge considering how small Patna’s core is as a city.

The University of Patna University will offer a number of programs and the competition process will be adapted to the chosen education. All notifications related to the entrance examination will be announced on the official website.

The course assessment scheme will vary depending on the course. To learn more about construction dates, refer to the following table:

Patna University Overview

Admission to the University of Patna 2024Temporary days
Start submitting application formsIn the first week of April 2024
The last deadline for submitting application formsThe third week of May 2024
Availability card in theLast week of May 2024
Exam DateLast week of May 2024 – B.Com
Last week of May 2024
 – B.A
1st week of Jun 2024
 – B.Sc
Result21 July
Admission against vacant postsIn the second week of August 2024
The last deadline for submitting applicationsIs the 23rd week of August 2024

Patna University Admission 2024 Exam Pattern

It is very necessary to have a look at the exam pattern before the examination. Candidate needs to understand the exam pattern first then accordingly prepare themselves for the exam.

This exam pattern is as per last year’s information. Candidates can check the below exam pattern of the different courses. These are as follows:

For B.A (Hons), For B.Com (Hons)

  • Duration: The examination will be for 2 hours.
  • Nature of Questions: There will be objective-type questions.
  • Total Marks: The Examination will be of 100 marks.
  • Marking system: Each question will carry 1 Marks

Distribution of questions subject – wise

SubjectsThe Number Of Marks
Test of general knowledge and skills40 Marks
Questions about the humanities and social sciences 60 Marks

For B.Sc (Hons)

  • Duration: The Examination will be for 2 hours.
  • Nature of Questions: The Examination will consist of objective type questions
  • Total Marks: The Examination will be of 100 marks.
  • Marking Scheme: Each question will be of 1 mark each.

Distribution of questions subject – wise

SubjectsTotal Number of Marks
General Knowledge & Aptitude Test10 Marks
Physics, Chemistry & Biology / Mathematics30 Marks

For LL.B

  • Type of Questions: The Exam will be comprising of Objective Type Questions with Multiple Choices.
  • Total Number of questions: There will be a total of 100 questions in the examination.

Distribution of Questions sections – wise

SubjectsTotal Number of Questions
General Knowledge50
Current Affairs and Legal Aptitude25

Criteria for admission to the University of Patna 2024

The eligibility criteria for admission to the University of Patna 2024 are different depending on the course. Applicants must first verify their eligibility before completing the application form. Candidates evaluated can verify if some of the relevant courses are offered below:

Admission Criteria Patna University

  • From M.Ed. – Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
  • LL.M – LL.B recognized by BCI
  • For P.G. Diploma in public administration – complete any discipline
  • For Business Managers (MBA)
  • Merge the marks obtained by the candidate in the national entrance examinations carried out by one of five institutions, namely CAT (made by IIMS), JMET (made by IIT), MAT (made by AIMA) and ATMA (made by AIMS) or periodic tests including
  • 200-point group discussion
  • Personal interview with 200 products. MAT marks for September, December last year, and February and May for ongoing MBA accreditation will be considered effective.
  • For M.Sc. Chemistry – You must be a Bachelor Honors Degree graduate from the course, To view the detailed design of courses at Patna University as part of graduate, postgraduate and more. Click here to view the detailed composition of the previous year, the candidate may use this structure for reference purposes.

Application form For University Of Patna 2024

applicants at the University of Patna must first confirm that they have the right to fill out an online application form once issued by the officials. The online application form of the University of Patna will be available on the university’s official website, i.e.

At the time of completing the application, they must pay the application fee in accordance with the prescribed fee. Different application fees will cover different subjects. The application fee will be paid by a bank account/debit card/credit card. The applicant must complete the application in accordance with the relevant supporting documentation.

Patna University Admission Card

Patna University will only issue an admission card for undergraduate and online courses. Those wishing to successfully complete their registration can download their admit card from the university’s official website. Now, remember that the admission card is an important document that a person must have at the head of the exam center.

There will be more details on the admission card, such as the name of the candidate, the date and time of the examination, the full address of the examination center, the photo and the signature of the nominee (to be submitted in person). It should be noted that some items should be picked up by the test person during the test. They are:

Admit Card University Patna

  • A printed hard copy of admit card
  • Government verified IDs proof
  • A photograph should be attested on the admit card

University Of Patna Result

The University of Patna will publish Patna University Admission 2024 results on its official website. The academic result will be issued separately by the board. The candidate needs a registration number/entry information to check his score online.

At other courses, the university issues a list of student qualifications based on their grades. After this qualification will have to enroll in Patna University for admission.

The result will not be sent by e-mail or other means of communication, the candidate must check their grades for the diary.

Important instructions for admission to the University of Patna

  • Read the instructions below carefully before answering the questions. Use the blue or black pen to complete the information in the question box and answer sheet, as well as mark the answers on the answer sheet. The use of pencils is strictly forbidden.
  • Enter the number and series of the questionnaire as mentioned in the questionnaire on the answer card. Attendance sheet etc.
  • Open the questionnaire after receiving the necessary instructions from the supervisor.
  • Fill in the details on the answer sheet carefully.
  • There are four options given to the question, one of which is correct. Place the correct answer in the correct box. Blue / black pen should be marked only in one box chosen for each question. for example, if the answer to question 5 is B, choose the answer.
  • Do not do any hard work related to writing a thesis or answer paper. All calculations/essays should be done in the space provided for this purpose in the questionnaire itself or in the “hard work” space.
  • On request, show the card investigator’s permission.
  • Prohibited persons will not wear any text, printed or printed material, pieces of paper, pager, cellphone, calculator, electronic / hand calculator, drawing tools (such as measurement, compass, etc.) or any other material except consent cards and pens in the exam room/room.
  • No part of the questionnaire and answer sheet may be prevented/destroyed under any circumstances
  • Before submitting your questionnaire and answer sheet to the investigator, please make sure the questionnaire has been signed by the investigator.
  • It is not allowed in situations where you can leave the exam room/room without searching for the brochure and answer sheet for the manager.

Here are some general instructions for the pre-test to follow when passing the test. The recipient should remember this.

About Patna University

Patna University, the first university in Bihar, was founded on October 1, 1917, during British rule and the eleventh largest university in the Indian subcontinent. During this time, the university authorities reached Bihar, Odisha, and the Kingdom of Nepal.

The university conducts academic tests, from school fees to postgraduate studies. His primary mission is to benefit from the rich teaching culture of Patna University and focus on changing financial challenges in the upcoming Bihar, India, and the world.

This university is one of the most preferred places for students, lecturers and researchers to obtain university degrees.

FAQs — People Also Ask about Patna University

Que — What are the general criteria for admission to the University of Patna?

Ans — The university board will vary depending on their courses. You can check the full suitability of the site.

Que — Is a caste certificate required for admission to Patna University in 2024?

Ans — Caste certification is only required for admission to Patna University for those who have entered the restricted category. Ordinary class students are not required to submit an election certificate.

Que — How do I get admission to the University of Patna?

Ans — The candidates will be accepted to the University of Patna for an admission test, called PUCET (a joint exam conducted at Patna University), e.g. Paper-based assessment.

Official website:


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