BSEB Patna has released the Bihar Board Practical Admit Card 2025 Pdf for Class 12th for the upcoming Bihar Board Annual Examination 2025 on 24th December 2024 on the website Students can now visit their colleges/schools for the BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 12th and the BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 10th will be released on 14th January 2025.
Principals of schools/colleges affiliated with BSEB can download the bseb practical admit card 2025 for the students using the User ID and Password issued by the bihar board. Students have to visit their respective schools/colleges to collect the bseb practical hall ticket 2025.
Bihar Board 12th Practical Admit Card 2025 will be available till 9th January 2025 for download, while Bihar Board 10th Practical Admit Card 2025 will be available till 21st January 2025 for download. The BSEB Inter Practical Exam 2025 will be conducted by the bihar board between 10th January 2025 to 20th January 2025. and the BSEB Matric Practical Exam 2025 will be conducted between 18th January 2025 to 20th January 2025.
Bihar Board Practical Admit Card 2025 Download
Post Name | BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 |
BSEB 12th Practical Admit Card 2025 Release Date | 24th December 2024 |
BSEB 10th Practical Admit Card 2025 Release Date | 14th January 2025 |
BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 12th | Download |
BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 10th | Download |
BSEB 12th Practical Exam Date 2025 | Check Here |
BSEB 10th Practical Exam Date 2025 | Check Here |
Bihar Board Exam Date 2025 Class 12 Pdf | Download |
Bihar Board Exam Date 2025 Class 10 Pdf | Download |
Board Name | Bihar School Examination Board |
Exam Name | Bihar Board Annual Exam 2025 |
BSEB Inter Session Year | 2023 — 2025 |
BSEB Inter Session Year | 2024 — 2025 |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Official Website | |
Let us tell you that the link to download BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 12th will be active till 9 January 2025 and the link to download BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 10th will be active till 14 January 2025.
Please note that the bseb practical exam admit card 2025 of the students who are absent in the sentup exam has not been issued. bihar board practical exam admit card 2025 is issued for only those students who have appeared in sentup exam.
BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025
The principals of the schools/colleges will have to bihar board practical admit card download 2025 and sign it before distributing it to the students. The Bihar Board Class 12th & 10th students who were absent in the sent-up exam have not been issued the bihar board practical admit card 2025. BSEB will issue separate final admit cards to all the students for the theory exams to be held from 1st February 2025. The bihar board practical exam admit card 2025 will mention the name, roll number, registration number, and other details of the candidate.
Bihar School Examination Board released the bihar board practical admit card 2025 for the BSEB Intermediate Practical Examination on 24th December 2024. The BSEB Class 12th Practical Exam will be conducted from 10th January 2025 to 20th January 2025 while the bihar practical admit card 2025 will be released on 14th January 2025 and the BSEB Class 10th Practical Exam 2025 will be held from 18th January 2025 to 20th January 2025.
Let all the students and students know that more than 30 lakh students and girls have registered themselves in 2025 by the Bihar School Examination Board, for which they have been waiting for a long time. now bseb official has released an official notification regarding bseb practical exam admit card 2025. according to the official notice, has been given complete information about when the exam will be held how to check the exam center, and where to get the bseb exam practical admit card 2025.
How to Get Bihar Board Practical Exam Admit Card 2025?
- To get the Bihar Board Practical Admit Card 2025.
- First of all, students have to contact the Principal of their schools/colleges.
- After that, schools/college authorities will provide students bseb practical exam admit card 2025 with the stamp of the school and signature, with the help of which students will easily be able to appear in the Bihar Board Practical Exam 2025.
- By following all the above steps, students will be able to get their practical bseb practical admit card 2025.
All students of Bihar Board who want to get their bihar practical exam admit card 2025 will have to follow these steps which are as follows. By following all the above steps, students will be able to get their bseb practical admit card 2025 class 12th and bseb practical admit card 2025 class 10th.
बिहार बोर्ड प्रैक्टिकल एडमिट कार्ड 2025
- बिहार बोर्ड इंटर प्रायोगिक परीक्षा दिनांक 10/01/2025 से 20/01/2025 तक संचालित होगी, वहीं बिहार बोर्ड मैट्रिक प्रायोगिक परीक्षा दिनांक 14/01/2025 से 20/01/2025 तक संचालित होगी। केंद्र अध्यक्ष दिनांक 10/01/2025 से 20/01/2025 तक की अवधि में परीक्षार्थियों की संख्या के अनुसार एवं पाली का निर्धारण करके प्रायोगिक परीक्षा केंद्र पर आवंटित सभी परीक्षार्थियों के प्रायोगिक विषय की परीक्षा आयोजित करेंगे।
- परीक्षार्थी के प्रत्येक प्रायोगिक विषय की परीक्षा यह लिए 8 पृष्ठों की संख्या की केवल एक ही उत्तर पुस्तिका मिलेगी, अंतरिक्ष उत्तर पुस्तिका नहीं दी जाएगी। परीक्षार्थी उत्तर पुस्तिका लेते ही या सुनिश्चित कर ले इसमें 8 पृष्ठ है एवं सही क्रम में है।
- परीक्षार्थी अपने इस प्रवेश पत्र में उल्लिखित बिहार बोर्ड प्रायोगिक परीक्षा केंद्र पर दिनांक 10/01/2025 को पूर्वाहन 09:00 बजे अनिवार्य रूप से जागकर परीक्षा केंद्र के परिसर की सूचना पट्ट से यह जानकारी प्राप्त कर लेंगे की उनके द्वारा चयनित विषय की प्रायोगिक परीक्षा की स्थिति एवं किस पाली में संचालित होगी, जिसमें उन्हें सम्मिलित होना अनिवार्य है।
- उत्तर पुस्तिका प्राप्त होते हैं परीक्षार्थी अपने प्रवेश पत्र उत्तर पुस्तिका पर मुद्रित विवरणों का मिलान कर अवश्य सुनिश्चित हो लें कि जो उत्तर पुस्तिका परीक्षक द्वारा उन्हें दी गई है, वह उन्हीं की है, भिन्न विवरणों की उत्तर पुस्तिका प्राप्त होने पर उसे तुरंत परीक्षा को वापस लौटा दिए जाए।
- उत्तर पुस्तिका प्राप्त होने पर उसके आवरण पृष्ठ के पीछे अंकित ” परीक्षार्थियों के लिए निर्देश ” अवश्य पढ़ें एवं उनका अनुपालन करें।
- परीक्षार्थी उत्तर पुस्तिका के कवर पृष्ठ के ऊपरी बाएं तथा दाएं भागों के क्रमांक (1) में अपने उत्तर देने का माध्यम अंकित करते हुए क्रमांक (2) में अपना पूर्ण हस्ताक्षर अंकित करें। इसके अलावा अन्य मुद्रित विवरणों मैं किसी भी प्रकार से कोई छेड़- छाड़ नहीं करें।
- प्रायोगिक परीक्षा की उत्तर पुस्तिका के आवरण पृष्ठ के निचले बाएं एवं दाय भागों को कदापि नहीं भरा जाएगा, अगर परीक्षार्थी इस भाव को भारतीय हैं, 2 परीक्षार्थियों का इस विषय का परीक्षा फल रद्द किया जा सकता। यह दोनों भाग आंतरिक / बाहर के परीक्षको को भरने के लिए दिया गया है।
- बिहार बोर्ड उत्तर पुस्तिका में पन्नों के दोनों प्रश्नों तथा प्रत्येक लाइन पर लिखे एवं पृष्ठों को नष्ट ना करें।
- यदि रफ कार्य करने की आवश्यकता हो, परीक्षार्थि उत्तर पुस्तिका के अंतिम पृष्ठ पर रख कार्य करके उसे काट दे/ क्रॉस (X) कर दें।
- उत्तर पुस्तिका के आंतरिक पृष्ठों पर दाहिने हाशिए में लाइन खींचकर सादा स्थान छोड़ रखा गया है। ऐसा स्थान रुल्ड है, परीक्षार्थी दाहिनी हास्य के सादे स्थान में कुछ नहीं भी लिखेंगे, यह भाग परीक्षक के उपयोग के लिए है।
- उत्तर पुस्तिका के पृष्ठों को मोड़े या फाड़े नहीं बीच बीच में व्यर्थ ही खाली ना छोड़े।
- प्रश्न पत्र में दी हुई संख्या के अनुसार अपने उत्तरों की संख्या लिखें।
- व्हाइटनर, ब्लेड तथा नाखून का इस्तेमाल करना सर्वथा वर्जित है, परीक्षाफल अम्मा ने कर दिया जाएगा।
- प्रश्नोत्तर के समाप्त होने पर एमपी में नीचे एक क्षैतिज रेखा खींच दे।
- आंतरिक परीक्षा के द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए उपस्थिति पत्रक में परीक्षार्थी द्वारा यथासंभव परीक्षार्थी की तिथि अंकित करते हुए उत्तर पुस्तिका की क्रम संख्या लिखकर अपना हस्ताक्षर किया जाएगा, अनुपस्थित एवं निष्कासन से संबंधित संगत गोले को नीले काले / नीले पेन ए परीक्षा के द्वारा भरा जाएगा नाक की परीक्षार्थी द्वारा।
- परीक्षा केंद्र में कैलकुलेटर, मोबाइल फोन , ईयर फोन, ब्लूटूथ, या किसी प्रकार का कोई अन्य इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों सख्त से सख्त मना है,
- परीक्षार्थी अपने उत्तर पुस्तिका को आंतरिक परीक्षक पास जमा किए बिना परीक्षा भवन ना छोड़े।
- जांच परीक्षा में गैर -उत्प्रेष्टित या जांच परीक्षा में अनुपस्थित छात्र/ छात्रा इंटरमीडिएट वार्षिक प्रायोगिक परीक्षा, 2025 सम्मिलित नहीं हो सकते हैं।
बिहार बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 के प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा के एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करना बहुत ही आसान है, आप बिना किसी परेशानी के सिर्फ एक क्लिक में प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा के एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं, इस पोस्ट के नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके आप प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा के एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
If you are a student of Bihar Board and you are now going to appear in the annual examination 2025, then all the examinees must be waiting for their bihar practical admit card 2025 12th, if you are worried about your bseb inter practical admit card 2025 and bseb matric practical admit card 2025, then in this article, all of you have been given complete information about Bihar Board 10th 12th Practical Admit Card 2025 in full official details, just read this article carefully till the end. You will get all the important information related to the Bihar Board Practical Admit Card 2025.
Information Mentioned On Bihar Board Practical Exam Admit Card
Name of Student | Guardian’s Name |
Date of Birth | Registration Number |
Registration Number | Roll Number |
Exam Date | Subject Name |
Passport Size Photo | Exam Center Address |
The bseb practical exam admit card provided by the official website will be important for students, in which students will have complete information, which will have some such details.
Bihar Board Practical Admit Card Download 2025
For all the students who want to download their bseb practical admit card 2025, a link to the official website has been provided below in this post, with the help of which students can download their bihar practical admit card 2025 class 12th and bihar practical admit card 2025 class 10th by visiting the official website, bseb practical admit card 2025 will be very important for all of the students.
The bseb practical exam admit card 2025 has been made available for students through the online official website, whose process details and link are available, with the help of which students can get their bseb admit card and complete their bseb practical examinations 2025.
BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 12th Download
- Visit the official website of the Bihar Board, which is
- Click on the link “Bihar Board Practical Exam Admit Card 2025” on the home page of the new official website.
- After clicking on the link of the Bihar Board Practical Exam Admit Card 2025,
- Principles will have to enter the details asked for.
- After the information is submitted, click on the submit button.
- Now, the Student’s admit card will be displayed on the screen, and the principal can also download bihar board practical admit card 2025 pdf.
Bihar Intermediate Practical Admit Card 2025 for 1st & 2nd sitting is available now. Candidates studying in class 12th can now download the bihar board practical admit card 2025 from the official website. Students of Arts, Science, Commerce, and Vocational courses can get their admit card from the school/college login. The bihar board practical admit card 2025 is issued only to those students who have registered for the BSEB Bihar Board Inter Exam 2025.
The bihar board examinations for all the students studying in the Bihar Board of Senior Secondary Education are going to be conducted from 1st February 2025 to 12th February 2025, before which the bseb practical examinations of the students are going to be held from 10 January 2025 to 10 January 2025.
For this, students will need the bseb practical admit card download 2025, which be made available through the official website, which students can download with the help of the official website by 10 January 2025.
BSEB Practical Admit Card 2025 Class 10th Download
- First of all, you have to visit the official website of the Bihar Board.
- After this click on the option of the student section on the home page in front of you.
- As soon as you click on the student section, a new page will open in front of you.
- In this, submit your registration number and date of birth by filling.
- As soon as you submit, your admit card will appear on the screen in front of you.
- In this way, easily download the admit card for Bihar Board Practical Exam 2025.
Candidates who have filled out the exam form for the matric annual exam 2025 and appeared for the matric class sent up exam can download the admit card for the bihar practical exam 2025. Candidates can download admit card for 2023-2025. BSEB Matric Class Practical Exam 2025 is scheduled to be held on 18 January 2025 to 20 January 2025.
This bseb 10th practical admit can be is very important for all the students studying in the Bihar Board of Secondary Education, because for all of you, the bseb 10th practical exam timetable has been set for the practical exam by the official website, which students can complete by going to to the examination center with the help of the admit card.
BSEB Practical Exam 2025 is very important in bihar board exams which provide 30% marks for the students for which a lot of preparation is done by the students and students get good marks in the exam. If students have not prepared for the pre-board exam and want to download their bseb practical exam admit card 2025.
Bihar Board Practical Exam 2025 Admit Card
Bihar School Examination Board conducts the sent up examination every year before the annual matriculation examination. After that, the practical examination of Matric Inter is organized, and the admit card of the bseb practical examination can also be issued by the board, students can download bihar board practical admit card 2025 by clicking on the link given in this article. If students are not able to download the bihar board practical exam admit card 2025, then they can go to their school college and get information on whether the admit card of practical is being given in their school college or not. If yes then it is very important to give bihar practical exam 2025.
Bihar School Examination Board will not issue the bihar board practical admit card 2025 for the practical examination of Matric Inter to those students who have not appeared in the sent up exam of Matric Inter or have not deposited the registration and examination fees, then the board says that a large number of such students There are schools which have not deposited the registration and examination fees of the candidates while the bihar board is repeatedly urging them to deposit the fees.
Bihar Board Practical Book Pdf Class 12 2025
Science Stream | Commerce Stream | Arts Stream |
Physics | EPS | Home Science |
Chemistry | MWT | Music |
Biology | Computer Science | Geography |
Agriculture | Computer Science | |
Psychology | ||
YPE | ||
In the year 2025, the Bihar School Examination Board conducts a total of 30 marks in the practical examination for the students appearing for the class 12th examination from Bihar Board. bihar board 12th practical copy 2025 is explained below in full detail.
Bihar Board 12th Practical Book Pdf Marking Pattern 2025
Distribution Of Marks | Marks |
Practical Copy | 5 Marks |
Lab Experiment | 15 Marks |
Viva Oral Test | 10 Marks |
Total Number | 30 Number |
The total marks in the Bihar Board Inter Practical Exam 2025 is 30 marks.
Bihar Board 10th Practical Book Pdf 2025 Marking Pattern
Distribution Of Marks | Marks |
Experiment | 5 Marks |
Activity | 5 Marks |
Attendance | 5 Marks |
Viva | 5 Marks |
Total Marks | 20 Marks |
BSEB 10th Practical Exam Question Papers 2025 Download has been released now, If you want to BSEB 10th Practical Book Pdf 2025 download it in Hindi medium. So the link is given below. By clicking on this you can download the bihar board 10th practical book pdf and complete your class 10th studies.
BSEB Practical Copy Class 10 Bihar Board 2025
Subjects | Marks |
Science | 20 Marks |
Social Science | 20 Marks |
In the bihar board 10th class practical 2025, 20-20 marks are given in Social Science and Science.
Bihar Board 2025 Practical Exam Time Table
The Exam Date Sheet of the Bihar Board Practical Exam 2025 was released by the Bihar Board on the 4th of December 2024. The date sheet of the Bihar Board Practical Exam 2025 is also shared below.
Practical Exam Date 2025 Class 12 Bihar Board
Exam Date | Subject’s Name |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Biology |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Physics |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Chemistry |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Agriculture |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Home Science |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Music |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Geography |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | CSC |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | Psychology |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | YPE |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | MWT |
10 January 2025 — 20 January 2025 | EPS |
Candidates who want to check the Bihar Board 12th Practical Exam Date Sheet 2025 can check bseb 12th practical exam 2025 date by following the procedure given above.
Practical Exam Date 2025 Class 10 Bihar Board
Exam Dates | Subject |
18 January 2025 to 20 January 2025 | Science |
18 January 2025 to 20 January 2025 | Social Science |
18 January 2025 to 20 January 2025 | Home Science |
18 January 2025 to 20 January 2025 | Other Subjects |
As we all know, BSEB has announced the bihar board matric practical exam date 2025 which will start from 18th January 2025 to 20th January 2025 in affiliated schools. Students must carry the Bihar Board Matric Hall Ticket on the days of these bseb practical exams to get permission to take the exam.
It is informed that the Bihar School Examination Board has issued the admit card for the BSEB 10 Class Practical Examination for the academic session 2023-2025 on 14th January 2025.
Once you submit your assignment and project, you can download the Bihar Board 10th Practical Hall Ticket 2025. You can easily download the BSEB Admit Card for the Matric Practical Exam by using the official website available here.
Bihar Board Online Practical Admit Card Download
Bihar School Examination Board has announced the bihar board practical admit card 2025 for Inter Matric Practical Exam 2025. Let us tell you that if you are also a candidate appearing in the annual examination 2025, you are going to appear in the matriculation examination or inter annual examination in 2025, then this bihar board practical admit card 2025 download is very important for you because you all know before the examination.
The board organizes the bseb practical exam and whatever number you get in the exam or not, if you get 30 numbers, 20 numbers, or 25 numbers in the practical, that number is added to your final annual result and bihar board practical admit card 2025 is important for the candidates. It is a very good thing, in such a situation, the number of candidates also increases, that is, the number you bring in theory and the number you bring in the practical exam.
Bihar 12th Practical Hall Ticket
In the bihar board practical admit card 2025 pdf, the date and time to appear for the practical exam as applicable subjects will be mentioned. Students will also get instructions and guidelines for appearing in the exam. Students have to submit a practical file subject which they did in their school.
The details for appearing in the Bihar Practical Exam 2025 can be found in the Bihar board practical admit card 2025. It can be downloaded from the official website and direct links are available below. In the bihar board practical admit card 2025, you can check the subject name and code along with the practical exam date 2025. Practical Admit Card
It is to be noted that this bihar board practical admit card 2025 is valid only for the practical examination 2025.
Bihar board practical admit card 2025 for the written test will be issued later. Candidates are instructed to download the class 12th 10th practical admit card as soon as possible to avoid any mistake/accident in the future.
BSEB Practical Exam Center Protocols
- Try to reach the exam center at least 40 minutes before the actual time.
- Admit Card along with the Practical Exam has a Government ID like Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, etc., and a School/College ID for cross-verification.
- Corporate with faculty during body temperature check.
If the students are downloading the bihar board practical admit card 2025 PDF themselves, they need to have the signature of their headmaster and principal along with the seal of the school in it, otherwise, it will not be considered a valid bihar board practical admit card 2025.
What is BSEB Practical Exam?
Practical examination, the same is also called practical examination in Hindi i.e. training. In the final exam from the board, only questions will be asked from theory, but in the practical exam you will have to show it practically, in that also you have to prepare some copies for each subject separately.
And in that, the question is asked in the same way as for practically doing the work. Let me tell you why a practical exam is necessary because if you people do not give practical exams. So you will also be filed by the board. It will not be only from theory, bihar board practical examination will also have to be given.
Bihar Board 10th 12th Practical Admit Card 2025
What Is the Bihar Board Inter Practical Exam 2025 Date?
The Bihar Board Inter Practical Exam 2025 will be conducted by the board between 10 January 2025 to 20 January 2025.
When will be Bihar Board Inter Practical Admit Card 2025 Available?
Bihar board practical admit card 2025 12th is available from 24th December 2024.
How to Download BSEB Matric Inter Practical Exam Admit Card 2025?
Students can download the bihar board practical admit card 2025 pdf for Matric Inter Practical Examination 2025 issued by Bihar Board from the official website.
In this article, we have described all the Bihar Board students about the bihar board practical admit card 2025.
We have also told you in detail about the entire process of obtaining the bseb practical admit card 2025 so that all can get their bihar board practical admit card 2025 easily. Finally, at the end of the article, we hope that all of you will have liked this article very much and that you share and comment on this article.