Bihar School Examination Board has released the Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Exam Date 2025 regarding the compartment exam for intermediate class students. The BSEB has said that the BSEB Intermediate Compartmental cum Special Exam 2025 has been held from 29th April 2025 to 11th May 2025.
According to the information received, those students of Bihar Board who failed in one or two subjects and are not happy with the recently declared BSEB Intermediate Exam Result 2025 can appear in the re-examination.
- बिहार बोर्ड ने इंटर कंपार्टमेंटल परीक्षा और विशेष परीक्षा का परीक्षा कार्यक्रम जारी कर दिया है, परीक्षा 29 अप्रैल 2025 से 11 मई 2025 तक दो पालियों में आयोजित की जाएगी। पहली पाली की परीक्षा सुबह 9:30 बजे से दोपहर 12:45 बजे तक आयोजित की जाएगी, दूसरी पाली की परीक्षा दोपहर 2:00 बजे से शाम 5:15 बजे तक आयोजित की जाएगी।
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam Date 2025 PDF
बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति द्वारा दिनांक-06.04.2024 को इण्टरमीडिएट विशेष परीक्षा, 2024 तथा इण्टरमीडिएट कम्पार्टमेन्टल परीक्षा, 2024 के परीक्षा कार्यक्रम को जारी किया गया।#BSEB #BiharBoard #Bihar #BiharNews
— BsebResult.In (@BsebResult) April 6, 2024
Who Can Appear➭ Science, Commerce, and Arts Students (only Failed and Crossed in One and Two Subjects).
Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Exam Date 2025
Date Of Examination | Faculty | 1st Sitting (9:30 AM to 12:45 PM) | Faculty | 2nd Sitting (2:00 AM to 5:15 PM) | |
29 April 2025 (Monday) | I.Sc. | 106/125 – Hindi | I.Sc. | 119- Biology | |
I.Com. | 206/224 – Hindi | I.A. | 321- History | ||
I.A. | 306/331 – Hindi | Voc. | 403- English | ||
30 April 2025 (Tuesday) | I.Sc. | 117- Physics | I.Sc. | 120- Agriculture | |
I.Com. | 218- Entrepreneurship | I.A. | 318- Music | ||
I.A. | 324- Psychology | Voc. | 401- Hindi, | ||
2 May 2025 (Thursday) | I.Sc. | 105/124 – English | I.Sc. | 121- Mathematics | |
I.Com. | 205/223 – English | I.A. | 327- Mathematics | ||
I.A. | 305/330 – English | I.Com. | 217- Business Studies | ||
3 May 2025 (Friday) | I.Sc. | 118 – Chemistry | I.A. | 323 – Geography | |
I.A. | 219 – Economics | I.Com. | 220 – Accountancy | ||
I.Com. | 326 – Economics | Voc. | 402 – Foundation Course | ||
4 May 2025 (Saturday) | I.A. | 325 – Sociology | I.A. | 322- Political Science | |
Voc. | Elective Subject Trade Paper — 1 (From Sub. Code 404 to 430) | Voc. | Elective Subject Trade Paper – 2 (From Sub. Code 431 to 457) | ||
9 May 2025 (Thursday) | I.A. | 319 – Home Science | I.A. | 320 – Philosophy | |
10 May 2025 (Friday) | I.Sc. | 107- Urdu, 108- Maithili, 109-Sanskrit, 110-Prakrit, 111-Magahi, 112-Bhojpuri, 113-Arabic, 114-Persian, 115- Pali, 116- Bangla | उन परीक्षार्थियों के लिए जिनके द्वारा इन भाषा विषयों में से किसी एक विषय का चयन अनिवार्य विषय समूह के अंतर्गत किया गया है। | I.Sc. | 122- Computer Science, 123- Multi Media & Web. Tech. |
I.Com. | 207- Urdu, 208- Maithili, 209-Sanskrit, 210-Prakrit, 211-Magahi, 212-Bhojpuri, 213-Arabic, 214-Persian, 215- Pali, 216- Bangla | I.Com. | 221- Computer Science, 222- Multi Media & Web. Tech. | ||
I.A. | 307- Urdu, 308- Maithili, 309-Sanskrit, 310-Prakrit, 311-Magahi, 312-Bhojpuri, 313-Arabic, 314-Persian, 315- Pali, 316- Bangla | I.A. | 317- Yoga & Phy. Edu., 328- Computer Science, 329- Multi Media & Web. Tech. | ||
Voc. | 503- Urdu, 504- Maithili, 505-Sanskrit, 506-Prakrit, 507-Magahi, 508-Bhojpuri, 509-Arabic, 510-Persian, 511- Pali, 512- Bangla | ||||
11 May 2025 (Saturday) | I.Sc. | 126- Urdu, 127- Maithili, 128-Sanskrit, 129-Prakrit, 130-Magahi, 131- Bhojpuri, 132- Arabic, 133- Persian, 134- Pali, 135- Bangla | उन परीक्षार्थियों के लिए जिनके द्वारा इन विषयों में से किसी एक भाषा विषय का चयन अतिरिक्त विषय समूह के अंतर्गत किया गया है। | I.Sc. | 136-Security, 137-Beautician, 138-Tourism, 139- Retail Management, 140-Automobile, 141-Electronics & H/W, 142-Beauty & Wellness, 143- Telecom, 144- It/ITes |
I.Com. | 225- Urdu, 226- Maithili, 227-Sanskrit, 228-Prakrit, 229-Magahi, 230- Bhojpuri, 231- Arabic, 232- Persian, 233- Pali, 234- Bangla | I.Com. | 235-Security, 236-Beautician, 237-Tourism, 238- Retail Management, 239-Automobile, 240-Electronics & H/W, 241-Beauty & Wellness, 242- Telecom, 243- It/ITes | ||
I.A. | 332- Urdu, 333- Maithili, 334-Sanskrit, 335-Prakrit, 336-Magahi, 337- Bhojpuri, 338- Arabic, 339- Persian, 340- Pali, 341- Bangla | I.A. | 342-Security, 343-Beautician, 344-Tourism, 345- Retail Management, 346-Automobile, 347-Electronics & H/W, 348-Beauty & Wellness, 349- Telecom, 350- It/ITes | ||
Voc. | 485- Physics, 486- Chemistry, 487- Biology, 488- Mathematics, 489- Agriculture, 490- Business Study, 491- Accountancy, 492- Entrepreneurship, 493- History, 494- Political Science, 495- Sociology, 496- Economics, 497- Psychology, 498- Home Science, 499- Geography, 500- Music, 501- Philosophy, 502- Yoga & Phy. Education |
- A “Cool off” time of additional 15 minutes has been given above to the examinee. He/She has to use the “Cool off” time for reading and analyzing the questions and to plan the answers accordingly. He/She is not supposed to write answer of any question during the “Cool off” time.
- Practical Examinations will be held between 15-05-2025 to 16-05-2025 Examination Controller.
Students who are applying for BSEB 12th Compartment Special Exam Form 2025 are now looking for BSEB 12th Compartmental Time Table 2025. In this article, students will find the Bihar Board Inter Compartmental Exam Date 2025. the bseb 12th supplementary examination is scheduled from 29th April 2025 to 11th May 2025.
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam 2025 Time Table
BSEB 12th Compartment Exam 2025 Start Date | 29th April 2025 |
BSEB 12th Compartment Exam 2025 Last Date | 11th May 2025 |
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam Date | Download |
Bihar Board Inter Compartmental Admit Card 2025 | Download |
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Time Table Pdf | Download |
Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Apply Start Date | 28rd March 2025 |
Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Apply Last Date | 7th April 2025 |
Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Result Date | Click Here |
BSEB 12th Scrutiny Result 2025 Date | Check Here |
Bihar Board 12th Annual Result Date | 23rd March 2025 |
Post Name | Bihar Board 12th Special Exam Date |
Official Website | |
Students can get the Bihar Board 12th Compartment Time Table 2025 from the official website The bihar board has also given time to declare the result of the BSEB Inter Compartmental cum Special Examination 2025 along with the exam dates and special exam application form.
According to the information released by the bihar board, the results of the 12th Compartment Examination will be held in the Last Week of April 2025. Students who fail in one or two subjects can apply for bseb 12th special exam 2025.
बिहार बोर्ड इंटर कंपार्टमेंटल एग्जाम डेट 2025 पीडीऍफ़
बिहार 12वीं परीक्षा तिथि | पहली बैठक | दूसरी बैठक |
29 अप्रैल 2025 | हिन्दी | जीव विज्ञान, इतिहास, अंग्रेजी |
30 अप्रैल 2025 | भौतिकी, उद्यमिता, मनोविज्ञान | कृषि, संगीत, हिंदी |
2 मई 2025 | अंग्रेज़ी | गणित, व्यवसाय अध्ययन |
3 मई 2025 | रसायन विज्ञान, अर्थशास्त्र | भूगोल, फाउंडेशन कोर्स, लेखांकन |
4 मई 2025 | समाज शास्त्र, इलेक्टिव सबजेक्ट ट्रेड पेपर-1 | राजनीति विज्ञान, इलेक्टिव सबजेक्ट ट्रेड पेपर-2 |
9 मई 2025 | गृह विज्ञान | दर्शनशास्त्र, |
10 मई 2025 | अनिवार्य विषय समूह- उर्दू, मैथिली, संस्कृत, प्राकृत, मगही, भोजपुरी, अरबी, फारसी, पाली, बांग्ला | कंप्यूटर विज्ञान, मल्टीमीडिया और वेब टेक, योग और शारीरिक शिक्षा |
11 मई 2025 | अतिरिक्त विषय समूह- उर्दू, मराठी, संस्कृत, प्राकृत, मगही, भोजपुरी, अरबी, फारसी, पाली, बांग्ला (आई.एससी, आई.कॉम, आई.ए),एन.आरबी, हिंदी (वोकेशनल) | 136 – सिक्योरिटी, 137-ब्यूटिशियन, 138- टूरिज़म, 139- रीटेल मैनेजमेंट, 140- ऑटो मोबाइल, 141- इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एच/डबल्यू, 142- ब्यूटी एंड वेलनेस, 143- संचार, 144- आईटी/आईटीएस (आई.एससी)235 – सिक्योरिटी, 236-ब्यूटिशियन, 237- टूरिज़म, 238- रीटेल मैनेजमेंट, 239- ऑटो मोबाइल, 240- इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एच/डबल्यू, 241- ब्यूटी एंड वेलनेस, 242- संचार, 243- आईटी/आईटीएस (आई.कॉम)342 – सिक्योरिटी, 343-ब्यूटिशियन, 344- टूरिज़म, 345- रीटेल मैनेजमेंट, 346- ऑटो मोबाइल, 347- इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एच/डबल्यू, 348- ब्यूटी एंड वेलनेस, 349- संचार, 350- आईटी/आईटीएस (आई.ए) |
To appear in the Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Exam Date 2025, students have to apply online at the official website. To submit the bseb 12th special exam form 2025, students have to pay the required fee. Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Date 2025 is released in pdf format which includes exam date, time subject name, etc.
The students have to appear in the exam as per the bihar board supplementary exam 2025 date along with the admit card and essential items. Check more details on bihar board inter compartment exam date 2025, bseb compartment exam 2025 bihar board 12th, bihar board compartment exam 2025 bseb 12th.
Bihar Board Compartmental Exam 2025 Date Routine Download
- Visit the official website of the Bihar Board i.e.
- Scroll Down to the Circular Section.
- Then click on the link Downloading bseb inter compartmental timetable 2025.
- A BSEB 12th Supplementary Routine Pdf will open, click on print and save bihar board compartment exam 2025 bseb 12th.
Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Exam 2025 Routine Pdf can be downloaded by the students by following the steps given Above.
Through bihar board compartment examination, students can move towards higher education by passing 12th this year. The bseb inter compartment exam application form 2025 has been filled out from 28 March 2025. Students who have to appear in this special exam were time from 28 March 2025 to 7 April 2025. For this, students have to contact their school/college.
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam Fees 2025
Charges For | Fees |
Online Charge Compartment Form | 30Rs/- |
Supplementary Exam Form Fee | 150Rs/- |
BSEB Re-Examination Fee | 260Rs/- |
Miscellaneous Charge Fee | 480Rs/- |
Fee for Marksheet | 170Rs/- |
Provisional Certificate Fee | 170Rs/- |
Migration Certificate Fee | 170Rs/- |
Total Fee for Compartment Exam (approx) | 1430Rs/- |
Students who want to appear again in the examination of the student compartment / supplementary have to pay the fees subject-wise. Examination fees for general/scheduled castes / scheduled tribes are similar. The fee confirmation examination for this year has not been confirmed.
In which subjects students have failed, they can re-participate in the bseb 12th re-examination 2025. Participating in Bihar Board Inter Supplementary Examination 2025 is an application fee, which you need to pay.
Bihar Board 12th Special Exam Date 2025
Bihar Board Intermediate class main exam 2025 results have been announced on 23 March 2025. After that, Some students got a compartment in the bseb 12th result 2025. Students who have got compartment in the Bseb 12th result are required to apply online for the compartment examination 2025 on the official website. Here on this page, we have provided all the details about bihar board supplementary exam 2025 date, bihar board inter compartment exam date 2025. For full information on compartment exam 2025 bihar board 12th, bseb inter compartmental exam date 2025 please read the article below.
To participate, students, first need to fill out the BSEB 12th Compartmental Exam Form 2025 Streamwise. This is the last chance to have a safe academic year for all of you, so this time make sure to perform accordingly. They will soon come to suggest the formal availability of the bihar board special re-exam 2025. Taking such preference for the Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Online Form 2025 schedule as available. For more clarification, we will update you next when we share information about registration.
Now, All the failed students can fill up the BSEB 12th Compartmental Application form for result Re-Valuation, and students who want to re-Appear in the examination can fill up the Bihar Board 12th Compartment Examination Form 2025. After the results of the investigation, I want all of you to have success, but still, students are faced with elaborate as not being able to lead their scores.
Bihar Board Inter Compartment Exam Date 2025
Bihar Board has released the bihar board 12th supplementary exam date 2025 to apply for the bseb 12th compartmental exam 2025. All the candidates who want to apply for the bihar board 12th compartmental exam can apply online.
Students will get one more chance to fill out the form with a late fee. bihar 12th compartment exam date 2025. Bihar Board 12th Special Exam 2025 will be conducted in two sittings. Students can download Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Exam Admit Card 2025 from the official site.
Bihar Board Supplementary Exam 2025 Date 12th
Events Name | Dates |
Bihar Board 12th Special Examination Starting Date | 29th April 2025 |
Bihar Board 12th Special Examination Ending Date | 11th May 2025 |
Bihar Board 12th Special Exam Result Declared Date | 31 May 2025 |
Bihar Inter Compartmental Online Form Starting Date | 28th March 2025 |
Bihar Inter Compartmental Online Form Ending Date | 7th April 2025 |
Students must first fill out the Bihar Board 12th compartment exam form 2025 online. For that, we have the initial and last date of registration. We would like to inform you about the official announcement once for the complete 12th Commerce, Arts, Science Compartmental Exam Schedule 2025 BSEB based on official words. This time the question papers will be set at a level to give more effort for clear related BSEB Intermediate Compartment Examinations 2025.
BSEB Compartment Exam 2025 Bihar Board 12th
For this year the Bihar board state board has done tasks on time, so we hope for improvement examinations they also give the same efforts. As detailed to everyone the Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam Form 2025 Commerce, Science, Arts is available from 23 March 2025 to 30 March 2025.
One of them should come on with a detailed bihar board 12th compartment exam date 2025 class inter notification declaration so everyone could be ensuring that as well. As well this platform can place only official status, and we created this platform based on their scenario. Students will also have to pay an amount to submit this form. Initially, we need to fill out the application form in detail, and after that, a printed copy of it should be sent to the Bihar Board postal address.
With this application form, ensure that the Bihar Board 12th compartment exam 2025 form fee slip is also attached otherwise they will reject it. We want to ensure everyone with complete details waits until the official notification arrives.
If you have any doubt about the bihar board 12th compartment exam date; Dates and charges make sure to place them in the comment box available below.
Bihar Board Compartment Exam 2025 BSEB 12th
If you are going to apply for BSEB Inter Compartment Exam 2025, then you can take the help of the step-by-step procedure below. Here we have tried to provide you with every possible step while applying for the bseb 12th compartment exam 2025.
BSEB 12th Compartment or Supplementary Exam Form 2025 can be applied only by the School/College Administration or Principal Login, Students who want to apply to contact their respective schools/colleges.
How to Fill BSEB 12th Compartmental Exam Form 2025
- Contact your respective School/College with your Mark sheet and Admit Card Xerox copy.
- Admit Card which you receive from the respective School/College.
- Mark sheet which you download from the internet using your roll number and roll code.
- Students can open the Bihar Board Official Portal first
- Here you can scroll down. Now college principals will log in through their login credentials.
- Here the college principal will download the examination form and provide it to the interested candidates.
- Now the candidates will fill out the examination form and provide theory.
- Now the theory will get the Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam form link.
- You can click on this link. A new page will be displayed.
- Enter all the details in the box here and go to the payment page.
- You can pay for each student online.
- Students will pay the examination form fee for their college theory.
Bihar Board Class 12 Compartment Exam 2025 Routine
At present, many candidates are seeking the Bihar Board 12th Class Supplementary Exam Dates 2025. Because admission for undergraduate studies is now open. Without qualifying for the board exam, students cannot take admission to higher studies. The supplementary exam is a golden opportunity for all the failed candidates. So the bseb 12th supplementary exam date 2025 of the Bihar Board is mandatory for all of them.
Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Time Table 2025 contains the subject wise bihar board supplementary exam 2025 date. The authority should manage the 12th exam papers as per the BSEB 12th Supplementary Time Table 2025.
Candidates must check the Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Exam Schedule and Admit Card carefully before the exam. If the board revises the bihar 12th campmate exam date 2025 it should immediately notify through public notice.
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Result 2025
Dear students, we are happy to tell all the students eagerly waiting for the bihar board 12th compartmental exam date of their Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam Result 2025, can now indicate comfort. As you know, BSEB has conducted Intermediate Re-exam for all three streams of Commerce, Science, and Arts from 29 April 2025 to 11 May 2025 All interested students were present.
So now all regular, private, and repeater students can appear in the bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025. The Bihar Board Intermediate Board has been organized, and they have taken the re-examination of those students who have failed in the BSEB Result In 2025.
Those students who have passed all the subjects after the result of the re-exam will have to apply for further admission and who unfortunately have not cleared this time too. Now have a chance to clear those subjects, and bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025 will have to repeat the entire academic year by new admission and appear in the next main examination. For more latest updates on the Bihar Board Intermediate 12th result, bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025, bseb 12th supplementary exam date 2025 please visit here regularly.
Bihar Board Compartment Exam 2025 Date Intermediate
Those who wish to appear in the compartment examination as candidates, fail in a maximum of 2 subjects (50 marks + 50 marks) and twice in another subject or any subject.
Candidates who fail and 2 subjects but the subject should be NRB Hindi + MB English (the subject of 50 marks and 50 marks) + one other subject can also apply as the board will be declared the result of bihar board 12th compartment exam date in the last week of May 2025.
bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025, bihar board compartmental result, bihar board 12th supplementary exam date 2025 science, bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025.
Important Document For Apply BSEB Compartmental Exam Online Form
- Fail marks sheet
- mobile number
- Annual exam admit card
- E-mail ID
- Examination fee
- Aadhar Card
- Passport size photo
To apply for the Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam 2025, students have to go to the 12th High School of the respective college between the specified date.
BSEB 12th Compartmental Admit Card 2025
The bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025 and details of the Bihar Board 12th class compartmental examination will come online on their official portal, and the admit card will also be available on their portal. The bihar board will publish the admit card of the intermediate supplementary examination on its portal one week before the examination, bseb 12th supplementary examination 2025 date sheet.
Bihar Board Intermediate Supplementary Examination 2025 Routine. The Bihar Board Inter Compartmental Examination will start soon. Bihar Board 12th Supplementary Program 2025 or Bihar Board Inter Supplementary Exam. Bihar Board Inter Complimentary Examination Program Download, Admit card link of 12th class compartmental examination will also be available on this page.
Several important details like this will be available in the admit card of the intermediate compartmental examination – Bihar Board 12th compartmental exam routine will come online in April / May 2025. Bihar Board Inter Supplementary Examination Date Sheet 2025 Bihar Board Intermediate Compartment Exam Notice will come after June, schedule of Intermediate Compartment of Bihar Board.
Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Admit Card 2025 Download
Bihar Board is expected to release the Bseb 12th Compartmental Admit Card 2025 in April Month. The students can only download bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025 by visiting the official website of the Bihar Board.
Students can check the link to Admit Card on the home page of the official website of bihar board. The students should have their correct login details to download the BSEB 12th Compartmental Admit Card 2025.
BSEB 12th Supplementary Admit Card 2025 Download
- The student is required to contact their respective schools after the issue of the admit card
- Now the school authorities will log in with the user ID and password given by the board.
- They will log in with the given details and download their admit card
- After getting this, you have to check all the details on the admit card
- If there is any misunderstanding, you should contact the school authorities immediately.
- You have to get your admit card verified by the school principal.
Mentioned In the BSEB Compartmental Admit Card
- Candidates Name
- Roll Number
- College Name
- Parents Name
- Subjects Name
- Exam Center Name
bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025, bihar board 12th compartmental exam date 2025, BSEB 12th compartment exam date 2023, bseb compartmental exam 2025.
Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam Result Roll No Wise
Bihar Board has conducted inter supplementary examination from 29 April 2025 to 11 May 2025 in the Bihar state. A large number of students have appeared for the three streams in the supplementary examination. Now all the students who are eagerly waiting for Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam result 2025 or Bihar Board Inter Supplementary Exam and searching on the internet.
So we want to tell you that the board has declared the final result after the supplied test was conducted on the official website So the students who have been given compartmental examination are excited to check the Bihar Board Inter Supplementary Result 2025 link. As per the latest update of the 12th Higher Secondary Repair Results Date for all three streams Science, Commerce, Arts, Regular & Private candidates, the update is in the last of this week.
As many students appeared for their grade improvement and who have failed in one or two subjects. Now, after the announcement of the Bihar Board 12th result compartment examination, their admission to the next class is fixed.
BSEB 12th Supplementary Result 2025 Name Wise
Candidates are advised to check the intermediate class of their BSEB 12 Compartment Result 2025 from this page, so as to avoid server results. So we are providing you a direct link here for convenience. After appearing in the Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam, the students are eagerly waiting for the Bihar Board Compartmental Result 2025.
All the students of the three arts, sciences & commerce are waiting for the compartment result. Not a big one, Private and regular students have appeared in the Plus to Supply exam this year.
Eligibility for BSEB Inter Compartmental Examination
- Students who have scored less than the passing marks in a maximum of two subjects (including optional subjects) will appear in the Inter compartmental examination 2025.
- A student will be allowed compartmental examination of a maximum of 2 subjects.
Important: BSEB Intermedaite Topper List
BSEB Inter Compartmental Exam Date 2025
BSEB 12th Supplementary Exam Apply Date 2025?
The Bihar board has announced the date for the 12th compartment exam in 2025. the Apply Date was 23 March 2025 to 30 March 2025.
What Is the Scrutiny Fee For BSEB Class 12th?
Scrutiny fee for Bihar BSEB 12th class Rs. 120/-
What Is Bihar 12th Compartment Exam Date 2025?
the Bihar Board 12th Compartment exam 2025 will be begun from 29th April 2025 to 11th May 2025.
Where I Can Download The BSEB 12th Compartment Datesheet 2025 Pdf?
We have also provided the BSEB 12th Compartment Exam Date PDF link here.
The Board has introduced additional subjects in the Intermediate Examination which will be taken into account in the failure of a student in one of the compulsory subjects. Also, the board is going to start the project work in the class 12th examination, which can be used for internal assessment purposes.
Students can opt for an additional subject for the intermediate 2025 examinations along with their compulsory subjects. Let me tell you that the board has released the date of BSEB 12th Compartmental is 29th April 2025 to 11th May 2025, this was announced after the declaration of the Bihar Board 12th Result. On this page, you have updated every major alert related to Bihar Board 12th Compartmental Exam 2025. If you have any queries related to BSEB Compartmental Exam, then you can ask your question in the comment box below, we will answer your questions soon.
anyone koe bol skta h ki ye exam board exam se hard hoga ya usse asan ya uske jaisa , or ky possible h ki koe bacha isme v fail kr skta h ???
कंपार्टमेंटल परीक्षा में बिलकुल वार्षिक परीक्षा जैसे ही सवाल पूछे जाते हैं। और आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दें की, इस परीक्षा में भी छात्र फेल होते हैं।
3 subject m exam de sakte h
नहीं, अधिकतम 2 विषयों तक का ही एग्जाम दे सकते हैं
Compartment ka result kb tak aayega
निष्कासित किए गए विद्यार्थी ये exam दे सकते हैं।2022.
Compartment ma pass hona ka baad mark sheet ma fail kyu likha hua h
Rajiv Kumar
kue ki aap compartment me bhai fail hoo
kya compartmental Exam fee jo vidharthi jama kiya tha uska fee wapas milega
Sir compartment ka special exam (all sub) ka exam kab hoga ya nahi hoga ?
Plz… reply….
I’m waiting for reply
अभी तक इसकी कोई आधिकारिक घोषणा/पत्र जारी नहीं किया गया हैं
उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा के आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के माध्यम से आप अपना परिणाम देख सकते हैं
Sir compartment exam hoga ya dayrekat result dega
अभी इसकी कोई आधिकारिक सुचना जारी नहीं हुई हैं, किन्तु पूर्ण अनुमानित हैं की एग्जाम के बाद ही रिजल्ट आएगा
very nice Rapipay Retailer And Distributor I’d Free Free Free
very nice
Sir agar science ma one subject ma cross lagaya ho to compartment dana ka baad government job ma koi problem to nahi na hoga
koi problem nhi hoti in sb se
Compartment ka exam kab se hai sir date toh bahtah do aap sab nhi toh exam chhut jayega pl sir aap log bahtah do plz…..??
अभी तक इसकी कोई भी आधिकारिक घोषणा नहीं हुई हैं, अनुमानित मई महीने के आखरी हफ्ते में Bihar Board 12th Compartment Exam आयोजीत करने की संभावना हैं
Kya kar rahi
If a student got failed in 3 subjects in arts paper can apply for compartment exam?
Pls reply
Not possible compartment will be applied only for 2subjets
No, the compartmental exam can be given for 2 subjects only.
Sir ham ne payment kar diya phi bhi mera phir se payment karne ka option AA Raha hai
Can ex regular student participate in compartmental exam for two subjects
yes ofcourse, we have already mentioned in this article
I have download the compartment form from website , so now I I have take print and fill that form or do something else.
Can you give online form filling link of arts .
Now, Contact your respective School/College with your Marksheet and Admit Card. BSEB 12th Compartment Exam Form 2021 can be applied only by the School/College Administration or Principal