Paymanager is the payment receipt preparation system meant for Rajasthan state government employees. It provides a common, integrated platform for preparing employee pay invoices.
The software not only provides the facilities for the preparation of payment invoices but also the preparation of arrears invoices, bonuses, arrears, and withdrawals of DA collections.
PayManager is a stage for preparing wages statements, TA invoices, and Bonus Costs for the employees of the Rajasthan Govt. It supplies an easy platform for organizing the wage statements of workers. Rewards invoices prepared by with Software. This pc software also supplies advice regarding DA dues, bonuses dues.
What Is Paymanager?
PayManager is a system of preparing payroll accounts, an initiative taken by the government of Rajasthan for its government employees. The Pay Manager Portal is managed and monitored by the Finance Department of the Government of Rajasthan.
The PayManager website is being developed by the National IT Center, which provides a common and integrated platform for the preparation of Employee payroll accounts. Along with payroll bills, it also helps to prepare various bills, such as arrears, bonuses, leaving bills, etc.
What is Pri PayManager?
Pri PayManager is another Pay Manager function that was developed for employees of Panchayati Raj employees of the Rajasthan government. This helps to prepare Pay Bills for PanchayatiRaj employees. After reading the few paragraphs above, you have an idea for PRI Pay Manager and Pay Manager.
PayManager Login Type
There are four types of login options available on the PayManager portal. Those are:
- DDO Login: DDO Login is used to prepare pay bills, arrears, pay bills, retirement bills for leaving the plant, FCV bills, waiver bills, etc.
- Bank Login: Bank login details are used by tax officials and banks for digitally signed e-payments, PDF payments, and for downloading.
- Employee Login: Employee Login allows government employees to log in and check their monthly payslip and tax return. There are several other facilities also provided by the Employee Login.
- Logging into the department: logging into the department is used by departments and third parties to check the payment details related to their employees.
Now I will explain to you login to DDO and how to work with DDO.
How To Work On DDO?
If you want to prepare school or office bills, first go to the official PayManager website – click here
The main screen of the Pay Manager portal looks like the picture below. Here on this page, just click the DDO Login link (as shown in the image below).

After clicking the DDO login link you will be directed to the DDO login page, which looks like the picture below.

Here on this page, simply enter the username in the first field and the password in the second field. Then you need to complete the 5-character Captcha, as shown in the picture and click the login button.
Note: Captcha is not case-sensitive.
If you log in, the main desktop will appear in front of you. (If you are not redirected to the dashboard, click take me to the home page to go to the main dashboard.)
In the main DDO panel, you will find the following options.
- Master
- Bill Processing
- Authorization
- reports
- Other bills
- Staff corner
- System administrator
- DDO report wise treasure
- Support
- Log out
How to make a pay bill when logging in to DDO
You must complete six steps to make a pay bill when logging into DDO. These steps are as follows:
- Allocation of bills
- Details of employee pay as part of salary preparation
- Monthly salary process
- Go to the report and check the internal account
- Submit to DDO
- Send the bill to the treasury, finally print the bill.
Pay Manager Allocation of Bills
- Bill allocation
- Bill modification
– To allocate bills, click the Select Options button, where you will find two options:
– Now just click Bill allocation and enable Manuals in Generating bill number
– Here you must enter the types of invoices issued, such as salary, technical support, medical costs, office expenses, FVC, etc.
– You should now select the Regular option on your invoice sub-account because most of the time you pay regularly.
Then, according to the account type, the Object to be saved. Which are as follows:
- for Salary
- for TA
- for Medicine
- Completed for office expenses
Now enter the month for which you want to pay your salary in the payday. Enter the year in which the salary is to be paid in the payday. Today’s date will come on Account Date, but you can also issue invoices with a retrospective date. Now, according to the account register, enter the account number, account name and select the Account item on the basis of which the account will be created.
Click Submit here after completing all the above information correctly. You will then receive a message saying that the account details have been added successfully and OK will appear in the dialog box. Clicking OK will complete the first phase of account allocation.
you learned this task step by step in a very simple language and at a slow pace, because by telling everything in one day. It will become slang, so a person who learns slowly learns at least.
In this episode of Payroll Training, Bill will learn the allocation work. This is the first stage of making any bills. It is not possible to issue an invoice without providing the invoice number. Account number Processing of the bill entered below to enter the account number.
How to get GA 55 from a Pay Manager
First of all, let me tell you that all the government-related data of all government employees working in Rajasthan is available on PayManager only. If you are a government employee in any field, then we were talking about how to remove PayManager GA 55 from the manager, first of all, you have to be logged on to the site of the payment manager.
And the pay manager is such a portal where the salary bills of all the employees of the state are prepared and all the work is filled with salary income tax-related installments.
First you have to go to the Pay Manager Portal by clicking on the link given below.
After reaching the site, you have to enter your details and log in. Now you can get a problem in this, how to log in and how to remove Pay Slip and Employee Salary Slip, I will tell you exactly how to log in If it works, look in the image below.

So friends will open something like the image shown above, in which you will have to enter your user name and password and the captcha given below, then you will think that what will be your User Name and Password, then I will tell you your User Name and Password respectively. and DOB

- Add Benefit: We will add benefits for given employees.
- Add Deduction: in this, we have GPF, loan S.I. and all other types of deductions.
- Add Nominee: We will add the nominee account number here and pay it.
- Partial Payment: in this case, we can make a partial payment to the staff.
- In this, we can remove LIC people on Maturity Day and add a new LIC Policy.
- Dependent Deduction: Subtracted from the dependent amount.
- Stop Payment: When you click this function, the reason for pausing the salary is displayed and the salary is stopped.
- Loan Master: In this task, loans are done.
- Suspension: used to pay the suspended staff.
If the salary of any staff is stopped and they have to be dismissed again, then you go to dismissal Pay and give the reason for the invoice, then the salary will be released. These add-ons will be displayed after the discount is added.
There will be three types in it
1st – Slab or, 2nd – Amount or, 3rd – Formula will fill the type according to the copy.
Similarly, adding Deductions will show all Deductions.
Similarly, the type will have to be saved in the Deduction.
There will be three types in it: – 1. – Plate or 2. – Amount or, 3. – Formula will fill in types according to the deduction,
This formula is always used for NPS deductions. The amount must be filled in in the income tax or credit deduction, while in RPMF the plate is filled.
Similarly, DA and HRA are used in the benefit formula. If salary supplements and deductions for all staff are required and the change has been made, then the second stage of earning here is completed.
Monthly bill processing in Pay Manager
You must go to Payroll processing> monthly payroll process.
Clicking on the monthly payment process will appear on the screen. You will see 2 boxes in it, one on the left and the other on the right. Remember that if you need to bill the entire staff in this group, click the appropriate field and process it.
If you need to create an invoice for the partial staff of this group, click both the right and left box, but first click the left and then the right side, and then the whole name will be displayed.
After selecting the month and year, the invoice you are trying to process will be displayed. Now click the Staff you want to bill and Process it. this message will be received immediately after processing. Soon, the message “Massage of salaries” will appear on the screen.
Important information about Paymanager
If you submitted your GPAS offer form online last year and there are no changes this year, you don’t have to be online every year. thanks to GPF information with one click, you will receive the SI balance and the outstanding loan after logging in to single sign-on.
To do this, look at the Cursor on the right and click there. If your state insurance is deducted according to your remuneration, then you do not have to fill in the Further contract form, it will automatically proceed to the next system.
How to create a new password on the Pay Manager
Which you have to write like this, if your date of birth is something like this, then you will have to write it like this (09/09/1989 – 09091989) Write and fill the captcha given below and then click on login then You will see that you have been logged in.
And remember, if you are logging in for the first time, you will see a new screen, in which you will be asked to change the password, which you will have to change, only then you will be able to do your other work.
After that you will see some options on the site that you can work with, then firstly I will give you some information about GA 55, how will you remove it?
By clicking some GA 55 EMPLOYMENT DETAILS you will see some option, you will get two options, first, you can remove GA 55 SLIP by clicking on what you want to know from both Estimate and Second NonEstimate.
Reset PayManager Forgot Password or Create New Password for Login
If you have forgotten the Rajasthan Employee Pay Manager Portal password, then there is no need to be worried, because now we have got a detailed step-wise process to reset your Rajasthan Employee PayManager password in quick time.
Pay Manager is an official IFMS software used by the Government of Rajasthan to bring employee services online, using it has made the distribution of salary to the entire state government employees much easier with less manual intervention.
Process to Reset PayManager Forgot Password
- First of all, go to the official portal of Rajasthan Paymanagar using।↗
- Once the home page is loaded, click on Forgot Password under the login button.
- Now the reset password will be taken in front of you in the form
- Here now you have your employee ID, bank account number, date of birth, and mobile number optional, but you have to enter the registered one by one.
- Now click on Verify Contact Number to confirm the mobile number
- Submit details to proceed
- Once presented the details will take you to the password reset page
- Enter your new password twice here to Confirm
- Click on update and then your password will be changed
Now you will reach the login page. Here you can easily login Paymanager using the user ID with your newly created password.
How to see Employee Salary Slip PayManager
By EC way you can remove more and more slip classes like Monthly Pay Slip, Pay Slip, and EMPLOYMENT PAYMENT REPORT, etc
And if you want to submit all these details to your DDO, such as GA 55, etc, then directly click on TA BILL DDO FORWARD then it will be submitted to DDO
How to Prepare Salary Bill in PayManager
First of all, go to Paymanager.nic. on-site and open Paymanager. This view will appear on your computer screen

Only digital is coming above the blue bar “login”, so click on “for DDO / Employee Login”. Clicking this will bring 5 options.
- Employee
- Digital
- Department
- Sub DDO
If you want to make your school/office bills, then click on DDO.
After this, fill the Office Login ID number in the Enter User Name in the first box. Fill in the password in the column below the column under entering User Name.
Below the column with the password, 5 figure captcha is given, fill it in the column with entering Captcha. It is not necessary to fill the capital in the capital. It will open even if filled in a small. If you log in after entering the captcha, it will appear in front of you.
Now click on where the cursor is visible. Then clicking on Take Me to Main Site, this view will be revealed.
In this, you will have the following options available.
- Master
- Bill processing
- Authorization
- Reports
- Other bills
- Employee corner
- System admin
- DDO report treasury wise
- Help
- Log out
6 steps have to go through to make a salary bill.
- Bill Allocation – Allot will bill the bill number for the month for which salary is to be made.
- 2 Employee Pay Detail will go to Salary Preparation and will check in the employees whose salary is to be changed.
- Monthly Salary Process- Going in the option of Monthly Salary Process, will do Salary Process
- Go to the report and check the Inner bill
- The bills processed in forwarding to DDO will be forwarded to DDO.
- Bill will forward Treasury by going to Bill Forward to Treasury.
- Finally, print the bill.
How to update employee salary on Pay Manager
Before making the bill, it is necessary to update the deductions and allowances of all the employees. To update the salary of the employees, go to Bill Processing and go to the Salary Preparation. After that, you go to Employee Pay Detail.
Check Pay Manager Employee Pay Detail
- After going to the Salary Pay Detail, you select the group whose salary is to be made in the Month, Year, and Select Group.
- After completing this process, you will be able to see the names of all the members of the group on the screen and will be able to edit (revise) their salary.
- Now click the name of the employee whose salary allowance or deduction you want to amend. On clicking on the name, the salary and allowances of that Staff will be shown.
- 9 types of functions are given below 5 pay, allowances, and deductions.
1) Add Allowance: In this, we will add allowances of the personnel concerned.
2) Add Deduction: In this, we have GPF, S.I. Loan, and all other types of deductions.
3) Add Nominee: In this, we will add the account number of the nominee and pay it.
4) Partial Payment: In this, we can make a partial payment of personnel.
5) In this, we can remove the LIC of a person on maturity and add a new LIC policy.
6) Dependent deduction: It is deducted for the dependent.
7) Stop Payment: On clicking this function, the reason for stopping the salary is to write and the pay is stopped.
8) Loan Master: In this loan, the deduction is done.
9) Suspend: It is used to make salaries of suspended personnel.
If the salary of any personnel is stopped and he has to be released again, then you go to Release Pay and write the reason for making the bill, then the salary will be released.
These allowances will show when you add Advance.
The type will have to be written in the allowance. It will get three types
1- Slab or, 2-Amount or, 3- Formula
Will type as per allowance.
Similarly, Add Deduction will show all deductions.
Similarly, the type will have to be written in the deduction. There will be three types in it –
1- Slab or, 2-Amount or, 3- Formula
Will fill the type according to the cut. The formula is always used for NPS deduction. The amount has to be filled in income tax or loan deduction, while in RPMF, the slab is filled. Similarly, Formula for DA and HRA are used in Allowance
If the salary, allowances, and deductions of all personnel need to be amended and the amendment has been done, then its second stage of making salary here is completed.
- First, do the DDO login of Paymanager.
- By moving the mouse on authorization, you have to click on the option of Employee Data Update in the right direction by going to Click on Employee Detail Updation.
- After clicking on Employee Data Update, the below screen will appear.
- To select Bill Name or By Search from Selection Option on the left side of this screen. After selecting Bill Name, the screen below will appear. In this, you have to select the Employee you want to update.
- After selecting Employee, you will see the data of related personnel, in which you can change the service category. (Personnel fall in the category such as – State / Subordinate / Ministerial etc.) After this, the personnel is regular, then in the given option, instead of Probation, or if it is in Probation then leave Probation only.
- If you change any other data that is on the window shown, upload the required paper to the PDF file and update it by clicking on the Update Option given below.
- After updating the data it will be at the Final Approval HOD / SUB-HOD Level. As soon as data is updated, it will appear on Paymanager
- All other conditions as per instructions of NIC and State Government.
Some Important Q&A about Pay Manager
Que: Add group allowances are useful
Ans: If group employees receive the same discount in the same way, all employees of the group will receive the same discount when selected.
Que: Add a group deduction is useful.
Ans: If a group employee treats one of the deductions evenly, then selecting the same will cut the whole group evenly.
Que: What is the use of bulk permissions?
Ans: If there is more than one group in PayManger and all discounts should be even, then you will use this option.
Que: When is a countdown useful?
Ans: If there is more than one group in PayManger and the deduction is to be done equally, this option is used.
Que: What are the details of employee wages?
Ans: This is a very important function. In what the employee should do, he inserts/edits here. Employee remuneration shows benefits and deductions in accordance with the remuneration option filled in the columns Personal data and Payments and master data banks.
Que: Retired staff master data is not available. How do you make an outstanding payment manager?
Ans: If you are a deceased or retired employee (before February 12) and you do not have your pri PayManager master data, you should have your master data ready for Arrer Array payments, as a retired employee ID is not necessary.
Que: I need to change my bank account in PayManager, is it possible?
Ans: This work will be done through DDO. DDO will write a letter to the tax officer concerned with a request to change the bank account of his staff, in which a certificate of no fees at the former bank will be issued (no fees). Along with a legible copy of the new savings, the book must be attached.
Que: My father’s name/date of birth on the payroll manager is incorrect. How will the change happen?
Ans: To do this, send a verified copy of the first page of the service book of the staff affected by DDO and send it to the vault. There will be some corrections.
Que: I have to earn 5 days on staff salary. How to make?
Ans: If you need to make a person’s partial salary, you can do Bill Processing> Salary Preparation> Employee Salary. Go to Details> Partial payment and make an invoice.
Que: I need to bill for paid holidays (HPL). How will it be done?
Ans: First, go to Bill Processing and select Employee paying half the salary and Make the bill conveniently.
Que: What is the most important thing in PayManager that makes it easier to make bills?
Ans: If you fill in all the Employee Data columns in the main Personnel option, there will be no problem with the invoice. If you do it all, it will become a dilemma for you.
Que: What should be fulfilled under Master on Pay Manager?
Ans: To complete it, follow these steps: 1. personal, 2 status, 3 wages and bank, 4 contact details, 5 employee dates, 6 – employee number, 7 – family details, 8 – diagram, 9- Photo and 10- Details cultivation.
Que: I prepare a bonus account, but when the bonus is issued, the assignment does not appear in the account types. What to do?
Ans: First of all, go to adding the billing role and submit the bonus by adding it, and check the bonus by going to the account type. Now the bonus will come.
Que: When does the cover letter appear?
Ans: With the exception of the day of transferring the invoice treasury, it is obligatory to send the invoice to the treasury for the next two business days, otherwise, the author’s letter will be issued after switching to the authorization, which will have to be signed by invoice by signing the DDO.
Que: I want to make uniform bills. What to fill in the types of invoices?
Ans: To make a uniform statement, you must go to FVC in the invoice type and then send the statements in the invoice subtype.
Que: I filed the payroll on September 18. The DDO was handed over on October 18. The treasury was transferred in November -18. Now, if I want to check the account status, which month should I choose?
Ans: Choose the month in which you issued the invoice, i.e. select September 18.
Que: I am transferring my personnel identifier, but no data is saved as soon as I enter the name, why?
Ans: No data was found to indicate the retention of employee remuneration. Release his salary first, then go to Transfer Employee and Transfer. Please note that after searching after entering the DDO code, check the name of the next office or school and send it after Satisfaction.
Que: Can GA-55 be removed from all group personnel together?
Ans: Yes, you can delete it at all. First, go to reports and then to DDO reports. Then go to employee-related reports, then go to GA-55 and print GA-55 along with all of the group’s staff.
Que: I would like to receive information about the annual employee transfer from my Office Manager. How to get it?
Ans: By going to Reports> DDO Reports> DDO Related Reports> Employee Transfer Details, you can get information on this
Que: I need to get information about the TV number of invoices provided by the office manager of my office every month. How to get it?
Ans: By going to Reports> DDO Reports> DDO Related Reports> TV Number Report, you will receive information about all account types by month. To do this, you must click Accounts of all types.
FAQs: People Also Ask about Paymanager
I need to change my bank account in PayManager, is it possible?
This work will be done through DDO. DDO will write a letter to the tax officer concerned with a request to change the bank account of his staff, in which a certificate of no fees at the former bank will be issued (no fees). Along with a legible copy of the new savings, the book must be attached.
I need to bill for paid holidays (HPL). How will it be done?
First, go to Bill Processing and select Employee paying half the salary and Make the bill conveniently.
What are the details of employee wages?
This is a very important function. In what the employee should do, he inserts/edits here. Employee remuneration shows benefits and deductions in accordance with the remuneration option filled in the columns Personal data and Payments and master data banks.
Conclusion: If any student faces any problems regarding the Pay manager, then you can tell us throw the comments below. If you have any query then you can also contact us below and our team will reply as soon as possible. if you found any helpful information about Paymanager or pay manager, then please share this post with your friends and teachers
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