RAJRMSA Shala Darpan | Government of Rajasthan Education Portal – Login and Registration

By BsebResult.In

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RAJRMSA Shala Darpan: ShalaDarpan is India’s government program in information communications technology, They provide mobile access to students’ parents and all government-supported schools. With the help of parents, you can easily sit at home, check their children All activity, such as total attendance, previous and new task record, and all the achievements of his children, Shala Darpan service launched until the 2015 academic season.

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The Shala Darpan school in Rajasthan works very well in all departments. A teacher and student placement program all over India. It’s very useful and very helpful for all teachers and students.

About RAJRMSA Shala Darpan Portal

Friends today In this article we talk about everything Abot shala Darpan. And how to log in to school is a very easy and simple method. If you want to know about all the Shala Darpan integrated, it is a new portal.

At ShalaDarpan, learn more about Click ShalaDarpan’s integrated website here specifically to make talented students want to think about Sala Darpan practices in an easy way. and develop your skills and your full potential.

Raj ShalaDarpan Login Method

It is the same word Raj means Rajasthan and the name of the school that the Indians called. In Raj Shala Darpan you can open the website and register for a house at the NIC and in addition. There is a public office created by special login in the name of the office. The more information you can find how you have an account. The more you have to integrate it, the easier you can see all your activities.

Integrated In RAJARMSA ShalaDarpan

Integrated Shala Darpan This is the official website where you can get complete directions, The integrated portal of all valuable information is easily checked on a mobile phone or laptop.

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Internship Caretaria In ShalaDarpan

If you want to do an internship. if you are a teacher or a student. This is the best opportunity for you because there is a huge flame teaching network with which you can easily get an internship.

If you are a student or business or philosophy teacher in a company or bank. if you want to do business, internships are available to you. You will be able to send the form to them. With this method, you can easily get an internship that is very easy.

You Can Read Full Information – Shala Darpan Login

RAJRMSA Shaladarpan Staff Window Login

If you want more information on Shala Darpan. You should also have a school account in Rajasthan. After logging into this account, you will find complete information on teacher support. About the student portal and outside of it and the school

How To Work Shala Darpan Login

This portal was created to make all employees and all schools online. All employees have to log in to this portal.

Employees can take the help of this portal to get their complete details and payment information. Every employee has login details with the help of which they can log in to the portal. Shala Darpan Staff login is explained below, with the help of which you can log in.


  • First of all, login with Shala Darpan Portal using the link given below.
  • Now, click on the “Click to Open School and Office Login” button.
  • Now the new page will open here, it has to feel like Username, Password, etc. and solve the Captcha.
  • And after filling in all the required details, click on the Login button.
  • that’s it, now you are logged into the portal.

Your username is the same type when you created the account. In the second part, enter the password.

खाता बनाते समय आपका उपयोगकर्ता नाम एक ही प्रकार का होता है। दूसरे भाग में, पासवर्ड दर्ज करें।

And in the 3rd line Fill the captcha every time a different captcha will appear. Enter the same number and type of digit in the 3rd line and finally click the 4th option-click Log in.

और तीसरी लाइन में कैप्चा भरें हर बार एक अलग कैप्चा दिखाई देगा। तीसरी पंक्ति में समान संख्या और अंकों का प्रकार दर्ज करें और अंत में 4 वें विकल्प पर क्लिक करें लॉग-इन करें पर क्लिक करें।

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After a successful login, the account checks that you have all the activities, such as logging into the Darpan Rajasthan Portal and school login results. And other activities such as staff, teacher list, and internships that are very easy.

एक सफल लॉगिन के बाद, खाता यह जाँचता है कि आपके पास सभी गतिविधियाँ हैं, जैसे कि शाला दर्पण राजस्थान पोर्टल और स्कूल लॉगिन परिणाम। और अन्य गतिविधियाँ जैसे कि कर्मचारी, शिक्षक सूची, और इंटर्नशिप जो बहुत आसान हैं।

One Login to your account on official websites. Rajrmsa Shala Darpan Check the account on the same login. Due to all times, Category Link to only one account.

आधिकारिक वेबसाइटों पर अपने खाते में एक लॉगिन करें। राजमार्सा शाला दर्पण उसी लॉगिन पर खाते की जाँच करें। सभी समय के कारण, केवल एक खाते के लिए श्रेणी लिंक।

Shala Darpan Create an Account and Search ID

If the article does not have accounts such as a username and password, we told you a complete guide on how to get a username and password from Darpan. First, we discuss the main key point to create a Darpan shala account.

Create Account On RAJRMSA Sala Darpan

Go to Google and enter Website rajrmsa.nic.in. Then the first page will appear to click here to create or search for a Darpan shala login.


When this web page opens in front of you, you must click Shaala Darpan in the 3rd-row options.


Then click above the arrow line to create or search your Shala darpan ID. As we say, you must follow all these instructions so that you can easily set up your own account at Sala Darpan.

shala darpan

Enter “Before all necessary potions”, such as “City or city”, Block, School, etc. After completing the “Everything” form. You will automatically receive a username and password from Shala Darpan.

shala darpan

Then you can change the password. if you want to change your password by entering your username and password at any time.

Shala Darpan Staff Corner

The staff at Shala Darpan are very much appreciated. Because these employees provide all facilities and are responsible for the education and training of children.

शाला दर्पण में कर्मचारियों की बहुत सराहना की जाती है। क्योंकि ये कर्मचारी सभी सुविधाएं प्रदान करते हैं और बच्चों की शिक्षा और प्रशिक्षण के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं।

if you want to bring your children to school. In the registration of Staff Corner, we will easily guide you step by step like a staff window.

अगर आप अपने बच्चों को स्कूल लाना चाहते हैं। स्टाफ़ कॉर्नर के पंजीकरण में, हम आपको आसानी से स्टाफ़ विंडो की तरह कदम दर कदम मार्गदर्शन करेंगे।

After successful registration, you can change your password and other details, such as the basic profile. And you can easily move the corners of the staff whenever you want.

सफल पंजीकरण के बाद, आप अपना पासवर्ड और अन्य विवरण बदल सकते हैं, जैसे कि मूल प्रोफ़ाइल। और आप जब चाहें कर्मचारियों के कॉर्नर को आसानी से स्थानांतरित कर सकते हैं।

How to Register On ShalaDarpan Staff Corner

if you are new and do not know how to log in to the Shala darpan Rajasthan School. carefully read all the paragraphs if you know a step-by-step guide and a simple way to log in to the staff corner.

यदि आप नए हैं और पता नहीं है कि शाला दर्पण राजस्थान स्कूल में कैसे लॉग इन करें। यदि आप चरण-दर-चरण मार्गदर्शिका और कर्मचारी कोने में प्रवेश करने का एक सरल तरीका जानते हैं।

The key point Login at shaladarpan Staff Corner

  • First of All Go To the Website from google www.rajrmsa.nic.in
  • Click below option Staff corner
  • Then Click below register for Staff login
  • Fill Complete Form Name Number biodata City, date of Birth and etc
  • Confirm your Personal detail And Basic detail.
  • Shala darpan send you an OTP on your Mobile that Register on shala Darpan
  • Shala Darpan gives you Automatically Username And Password on your Number or The page that you use.
  • login Staff Corner Account and Enjoy.

If you also want to set up your own account at Shala Darpan Staff Corner, first of all, go to Google and search for this website. Www.rajrmsa.nic.in

Staff Corner Detail

When you go to creating an account at Sala Darpan Staff Corner and go to this page, you need to go down a bit and you will get the option where you have to press Head Staff Corner. Once again, the new form will be revealed to you.


जब आप शाला दर्पण स्टाफ कॉर्नर पर एक खाता बनाने और इस पृष्ठ पर जाने के लिए, आपको थोड़ा नीचे जाने की आवश्यकता है और आपको वह विकल्प मिलेगा जहां आपको हेड स्टाफ कॉर्नर को प्रेस करना होगा। एक बार फिर, नया फॉर्म आपके सामने आ जाएगा।

Shaala Darpan register for Staff login


After completely clicking on the Employee Corner, as we have already said above, you will find a new page with the above-registered employees, and then click on the option. & we will tell you what to do next.

Fill Complete Form for RAJRMSA Shaala Darpan staff Corner

A form will then appear to provide complete information because you must provide your username and mobile number. Shala Darpan you have to register or enter.

एक फॉर्म तब पूरी जानकारी प्रदान करने के लिए दिखाई देगा क्योंकि आपको अपना उपयोगकर्ता नाम और मोबाइल नंबर प्रदान करना होगा। शाला दर्पण आपको पंजीकृत या दर्ज करना होगा।

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Then you need to write down what you are asking at the top of the form, and then click the button below the form. And other necessary information such as captcha etc.

फिर आपको यह लिखना होगा कि आप फॉर्म के शीर्ष पर क्या पूछ रहे हैं, और फिर फॉर्म के नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करें। और अन्य आवश्यक जानकारी जैसे कि कैप्चा आदि।

Confirm your RAJRMSA Personal Detail

Any information you have entered in the information form. will come to you again if all of your addresses where your mobile number is your name. so the heir and other things are fine. Click Confirm to return to the new form.

If you see an error, you must click the reset button and complete the form again. If you’re new to Shala darpan, don’t worry, we’ll help you in detail

नए फॉर्म पर लौटने के लिए पुष्टि करें पर क्लिक करें। यदि आपको कोई त्रुटि दिखाई देती है, तो आपको रीसेट बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा और फॉर्म को फिर से पूरा करना होगा।

Mobile Number OTP Verifications For shaladarpan


The cell phone number you received from Shala Darpan on which you registered. Then you will receive an SMS to the same number from the website.

Write and check well, you’ll be able to easily log in to Staff Shala darpan Staff Corner.

आपको शाला दर्पण से प्राप्त सेल फोन नंबर जिस पर आपने पंजीकरण किया था। फिर आपको वेबसाइट से उसी नंबर पर एक एसएमएस आएगा। अच्छी तरह से लिखें और जांचें, आप आसानी से स्टाफ शाला दर्पण स्टाफ कॉर्नर में प्रवेश कर पाएंगे।

Type username And Password Staff Corner


After creating your full account, you’ll receive a username and password at the top of your mobile number or on the page you are on, which you can change later.

अपना पूर्ण खाता बनाने के बाद, आपको अपने मोबाइल नंबर के शीर्ष पर एक उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड प्राप्त होगा या आप जिस पृष्ठ पर हैं, जिसे आप बाद में बदल सकते हैं।

Then you need to click the send button and then you will go to the website of Shala Darpan rajshaladarpan home Staff and you will be able to view and change information about the staff.

If you don’t have any Shala Darpan staff window, you must first register or create an account from the official website

Login to Staff Corner

You will then automatically receive a username and password so that you can enter your account and make your own changes to the account.

Just enter your username and password here, fill in Captcha and click the login button and enjoy.

फिर आपको स्वचालित रूप से एक उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड प्राप्त होगा, ताकि आप अपने खाते में प्रवेश कर सकें और खाते में अपना परिवर्तन कर सकें।

shala darpan user name

Shaala darpan internship program

Internship at Shaala Darpan school If you want to get an internship program. in India, you can join the Darpan internship program. It is important that you have a school of intellectuals in your state.

शाला दर्पण स्कूल में इंटर्नशिप यदि आप इंटर्नशिप कार्यक्रम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं। भारत में, आप दर्पण इंटर्नशिप कार्यक्रम में शामिल हो सकते हैं। यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आपके राज्य में बुद्धिजीवियों का एक विद्यालय हो।

Because the internship program is free, you can learn something new from teachers and students.

How to join the Sala Darpan internship program Read our full article on how to register, create an account, search for school ID, date of Shala Darpan’s last visit and assignment letter, etc.

शाला दर्पण इंटर्नशिप कार्यक्रम में कैसे शामिल हों, पंजीकरण कैसे करें, स्कूल आईडी, शाला दर्पण की अंतिम यात्रा की तारीख और असाइनमेंट लेटर इत्यादि के बारे में जानने के लिए हमारा पूरा लेख पढ़ें।

ShalaDarpan Internship

If you have a bachelor’s or master’s degree or you want to complete an internship at one of the largest institutions of any government. This is great for you. This is possible because this school now provides internships.

यदि आपके पास स्नातक या मास्टर डिग्री है या आप किसी भी सरकार के सबसे बड़े संस्थानों में से एक में इंटर्नशिप पूरा करना चाहते हैं। यह आपके लिए बहुत अच्छा है। यह संभव है क्योंकि यह स्कूल अब इंटर्नशिप प्रदान करता है।

Most undergoing internships throughout India. which are noteworthy because of the banking organization, and large schools are on all websites.

पूरे भारत में अधिकांश इंटर्नशिप के दौर से गुजर रहे हैं। जो बैंकिंग संगठन के कारण उल्लेखनीय हैं, और सभी वेबसाइटों पर बड़े स्कूल हैं।

If you do an internship at this school, you will be better. It also provides some compensation that they include with you.

यदि आप इस स्कूल में इंटर्नशिप करते हैं, तो आप बेहतर होंगे। यह कुछ मुआवजा भी प्रदान करता है जो वे आपके साथ शामिल करते हैं।

How many Students Apply for RAJRMSA Internship

There are a total of 636 large Rajasthan schools in India, of which Shala Darpan is a large network in Rajasthan. How many students does the school offer this internship?

भारत में राजस्थान के कुल 636 बड़े स्कूल हैं, जिनमें से शाला दर्पण राजस्थान में एक बड़ा नेटवर्क है। कितने छात्र इस इंटर्नशिप की पेशकश करते हैं?

In addition, there are other wonderful organizations that provide you with human beings. Because today we will tell you what you are talking about.

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इसके अलावा, अन्य अद्भुत संगठन हैं जो आपको मानव के साथ प्रदान करते हैं। क्योंकि आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि आप किस बारे में बात कर रहे हैं।

From time to time, by completing an internship with many thousands of students, they apply for an internship at school

समय-समय पर, कई हजारों छात्रों के साथ एक इंटर्नशिप पूरा करके, वे स्कूल में इंटर्नशिप के लिए आवेदन करते हैं।

How to Check status 1st & 2nd Round Internship B.ED Allotment list

If you want to do an internship, it is important to have an internship, you can submit the form.

यदि आप इंटर्नशिप करना चाहते हैं, तो इंटर्नशिप करना जरूरी है, आप फॉर्म जमा कर सकते हैं।

In this course, you want to do all the other things that you need to choose later, and if you want to see or not, as well as a lot of other information,

you must return to the official shaladarpan portal, where you have all your documentation.

I will be able to check if this is the official website, go here and login by clicking on the internship option and find your record.

here is the internship status checking page. www.rajrmsa.nic.in you can easily check here All statuses.

What Is Meaning Of RAJRMSA

Rajrmsa Full meaning, Rajasthan Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan has published all the results of the Rajasthan states.

like class 5 and other classes. Basically, it provides full Rajrms information.

राज्सर्मा पूर्ण अर्थ, राजस्थान राष्ट्रीय मध्यम शिक्षा अभियान ने राजस्थान राज्यों के सभी परिणाम प्रकाशित किए हैं। कक्षा 5 और अन्य कक्षाओं की तरह। मूल रूप से, यह पूरी राजरमा जानकारी प्रदान करता है।

All results and reports. if you need to check your score at Shaladarpan school, visit the official site rajresults.nic.in Applies to results only.

If you have graduated and are joining Darpan, think. Check here the list of vacancies in Shala Darpan

Rajrmsa Allotment

Because the School issued a list of assignments for B.ED students and apprenticeships, the state of Rajasthan gave a list of B.ED apprenticeships if you want to know which include the end of the first and second year.

क्योंकि स्कूल ने B.ED छात्रों और प्रशिक्षुओं के लिए असाइनमेंट की एक सूची जारी की थी, राजस्थान राज्य ने B.ED अप्रेंटिसशिप की एक सूची दी थी यदि आप जानना चाहते हैं कि पहले और दूसरे वर्ष के अंत में क्या शामिल है।

Check here Online assignment at www.rajrmsa.nic.in To check your Rajrms status, the Assignment visits the website, log in and click the main menu bar Assignment Options. Find and check your online status by joining Shaladarpan.

Rajrmsa.nic.in scholarship

If you are studying at school and your score is the best, you will soon be selected for a scholarship.

We will also pay for full education, so it is very welcome for children who work hard to get their numbers.

And Saladarpan schools are now very strong. Because a very large amount is distributed to schools and staff.

The Shala Darpan exam board form for grade 5 or grade 8 contains some important tips here. you can apply or submit your exam form here for free.

How to apply for an online presence in Shaala Darpan

At Shala Darpan I have a very easy way to participate online. If you are a teacher. You will have to attend two visits each day.

Sign up at the school where you teach is a must. Another way is to get online attendance by going to the portal’s school staff portal, which is very easy to apply.

If you don’t know how to apply for online participation in Shala Darpan, click the link above and complete the step-by-step article on online presence at school if you are a teacher

FAQs: People Also Ask about Shala Darpan

Que – What Is Shala Darpan?

Ans – Shaala Darpan is an information technology (ICT) that the Indian government provides mobile access to its parents, which can easily check all data about children while they are studying at school, such as pupils, pupils, assignments, etc.

Que – When was the RAJRMSA ShalaDarpan School launched?

Ans – The start of schools (KVs) is from June 05-15. And ShalaDarpans a very successful school in all of India. In Rajasthan A very good record for India overall.

Que – How Many Students In All Shaala Darpan?

Ans – A total of 2.7 million students study at Shaala Darpan. The number of students we talked about from all over India, such as many other schools and states, was also included.

Que – How Many ShalaDarpan School In India?

Ans – The number of schools in India from all of India is 636 schools. This good job and very popular in all India with great achievements and a record from the very beginning.

Que – Is ShalaDarpan Government School?

Ans – yes, ShalaDarpan is a government school from the very beginning when it launched in 2015. Provide advanced learning to India Students specializing in information technology and other fields.


I hope now you can easily Login into Shala Darpan Portal, Please comment and ask. We will try to answer it as soon as possible. without any problem, if you found any little bit of help from our post, please share it with others, thank you.


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In this post, we have shared with you the BSEB 12th Roll Code 2024 or Bihar Board Intermediate College List of all the schools and colleges of all ...

Bihar Board Exam Preparation Tips In Hindi for Class 12th 10th

इस पोस्ट में हमने Bihar Board Exam Preparation Tips के बारे में बहुत ही विस्तार से बताया हैं। क्यूंकि बिहार बोर्ड की वार्षिक परीक्षा 2025 अब से कुछ ...

Bihar Ka Shiksha Mantri Kaun Hai Education Minister Of Bihar

bihar ke siksha mantri kaun hain, education minister bihar, current education minister of bihar, bihar education minister name, who is the education minister of bihar, bihar ka shiksha ...

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