Bihar Examination Board (BSEB) has released the Bihar Board 10th Hindi Answer Key 2024. It can be seen on the official website ( and can also be downloaded from here.
If you have any objection related to the answer key, you can register it before March 14. A large number of students who appeared in the exam were waiting for the answer key. They can now easily match their answers through the answer key.
Bihar Board 10th Hindi Answer Key 2024
- Step-1: Visit the official website
- Step-2: Click on BSEB Class 10 Answer Key 2024 link on the homepage
- Step-3: You will see the answer key on the screen
- Step-4: If you have any problem related to the answer key, then click on the link available on the homepage, which reads- Register objection regarding Answer Key Matric Exam 2024″
- Step-5: Write the details and register the objection
- Step-6: Submit
- Step-7: Finally download and take a print out
The answer key available on the official website of the Bihar Examination Board (BSEB) ( can be downloaded by following the steps given above.