Bihar School Examination Board has issued a notification saying that if any class 10 student is found forcefully entering the examination premises after the scheduled entry time, he/she will be expelled for two years.
BSEB has warned that suspension action will be taken against such students in the category of criminal trespass and an FIR will be registered. “Students who reach the examination center later than the scheduled time for entry, jump the boundary wall, or attempt to enter the examination center forcibly, will be treated as illegal,” BSEB warned in an official post on Twitter.
BSEB to Expel Latecomers for Illegally Entering Exam Hall
It further added that if any such student is allowed to appear in the Bihar Board Class 10 examination 2024 by the Center Superintendent, action will also be taken against the identified persons.
The board has reminded the students to reach the examination hall on time. It reiterated that the BSEB Matric Exam 2024 will be conducted in two shifts – the morning shift from 9.30 am to 12:45 pm and the afternoon shift from 2 pm to 5:15 pm. As per the BSEB exam timetable, the exams will begin with the mother tongue paper on February 15, followed by the mathematics exam on February 2. The duration of each BSEB Matric exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes in which initial 15 minutes will be allotted for the students. Review the question paper.